During my lifetime, I witnessed the remarkable things accomplished by such presidents as John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter. They offered good examples of the World War II generation. But then I watched as we elected a draft dodger then a man who evaded fighting as our representatives of the Vietnam Era generation. I lost hope with the election of Obama, someone born in but not raised in the USA. Although he made his mark on American history, he is representative of a younger generation than me.
BUT THEN: A man of my generation (I’m a year older than Trump) was elected. I have seen in him a true leader (although he did not serve in the military). He has been supportive of the military and has been willing to express his immense pride in the land that offered him the opportunity to become president. I think that he’s even humbled by his election. But, I have recognized even greater traits about him. He’s willing to stand up for what he believes and take the shots from people who no longer believe in the greatness of America. He’s willing to say what he believes despite the ridicule he receives from the media who seem to have lost any vestige of respect for the office of the presidency or the country that has allowed them the freedom to speak their mind. And he doesn’t care what other people think about him, his beliefs, or his political position. I believe, he shows true courage in the best sense of the word. I’m a simple man (and yes, I admit that I am a man and have known that fact all my life and am proud of who and what I am). I neither demand nor even ask for anything. I am content with my life. I’m proud of my accomplishments. I am proud to be both a Christian and a Republican (I don’t believe either of those labels diminish me in any way). And if you’re offended by that statement, all I can say is, “Get over it.” Oh, and I have never been offended by any person being what and who they are. The only thing I ask is that people living in this country (whether you’re an immigrant or born here or an elected politician) obey the laws. I also ask that you respect the government that allows you to be here (whether an immigrant or not). And I think you should act like a proud citizen of a nation where people can strive for greatness or not . And finally, I want to say that I am proud to be an American. I’m proud to have served in the military of this wonderful country. I’m glad that I made a small contribution to others by teaching in college for nearly forty years. I’m glad that my family is healthy and have what they need. I’m proud that my heritage is Western European (besides, I couldn’t do anything about it if I wasn’t). And I’m proud that my family and friends still love me and are willing to put up with me. What more do I need? So, in conclusion, I thank you for reading this, if you made it this far. And even if you’re offended, I still love to say: God bless you; and God bless America!
AuthorHerb is a public speaking coach, retired college professor, author, and retired Army Reserve chaplain living in South Florida with his wife of more than 50 years. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Copyright © 2024, Herbert Sennett. You're welcome to post this article on your website or blog provided the content, including the author’s name, is not altered in any way, and that this copyright and licensing statement, complete with working links, appear with the article. Any other use is a violation of U.S. and International copyright law. For permission to use the article in other ways, please email me. Thanks. posts
October 2024