Every day that I wake up, I feel very fortunate! Life is such a precious commodity, and yet so many of us have difficulty truly enjoying life to its fullest.
3/17/2009 02:23:55 am
Hi professor today i was thinking about my grandmother who just past away 7 months ago, she was my father's mother and i now have my mother's mother really sick and while i stopped by your web-site your history catch my eye, now that i live out of my country i have realized that i didn't spend the time that i should with them, i thought they would always be there and ignored that everyone in this planet has an expiration day. Sometimes it takes people to stay thousands of miles away from their hometown and their families to appreciate what we left back. Thank you for writing this, those are the little things that makes us appreciate life. Comments are closed.
AuthorHerb is a public speaking coach, retired college professor, author, and retired Army Reserve chaplain living in South Florida with his wife of more than 50 years. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Copyright © 2024, Herbert Sennett. You're welcome to post this article on your website or blog provided the content, including the author’s name, is not altered in any way, and that this copyright and licensing statement, complete with working links, appear with the article. Any other use is a violation of U.S. and International copyright law. For permission to use the article in other ways, please email me. Thanks. posts
October 2024