It's February, 2010, and I am now officially "old" according to the U. S. Government because I am now no longer eligible to be covered by any insurance carrier because I must be covered by Medicare. I have no choice other than picking up the cost for my own health care out of my own pocket.
I heard Rush Limbaugh speaking of this a few months back and saying that he's glad he is in a position to pay for his own health care. I'm not fortunate enough to be able to do that and must carry some kind of insurance. The President has worked hard for the past year on building a national health care system basically modeled after how Medicare works: A single-payer system. Unfortunately, all that means is that there is only one insurance company and that is the Government--like Medicare is. And they make all the decisions. I'm not sure I'm ready for my taxes to go through the roof in order to pay for everyone else in the country to have health insurance. I'm also not emotionally ready to have everyone else in the country being forced to pay for my health care. Oh, yeah. I'm a retired military officer and receive my health care automatically by the government. But, wait. I spent 30 years associated with the military and paying into the system all that time. Some might say I deserve it. I like to think I earned it. But, the point I'm trying to make is that I am now looking in the mirror and seeing the same basic face I always have. And yet, I'm now seeing an old man, not a young man. That's a heavy-enough situation to have to deal with. Yet, I'm not ready to be "old." I'm still very young at heart. I remember when my dad was in his fifties, he seemed to be so old. Yet, my mom didn't. I now know it all had to do with one's attitude rather than age. I'm looking at retiring from classroom teaching in a couple more years. But, I am not ready to sit in a rocking chair anywhere. I plan to be active for many years to come. And this is why I have started Creative Illusions Films. I want to spend my last several years making movies that people can feel good about watching--and maybe even enjoy them. I am currently hoping that I'll be able to find people who want to fund my movies because they share the same vision of movie making that I do. I know we will make money doing it, but it will take courage and sacrifice at first. My movies do not please everyone. But no movie ever does. My first film, Coming Home, was very successful in the film festival circuit and moved many people by its story, but I would not say they enjoyed it. My second movie never made it well in the film festival circuit because people were not moved by it. But those who have seen it tell me they enjoyed it. Anyway, I look forward to my future--even at a time in life when so many people don't see much of a future ahead of them. Yes, I know there a lot more years in my past than in my future. But, today I met a woman who is 92 years old. Her mind is sharp and she's not hampered by any serious physical ailments. She is my inspiration. Now I'm not sure I want to live another 30 years, but I'm ready if I do. And in that I think I have developed the best attitude for living this life.
William Smith
2/11/2010 02:20:31 pm
Poor Dr. Sennett. I was actually filling out a scholarship for the University of Miami and for one of the essays I'm talking about an experience in your class I had while dual enrolling at what was PBCC. Consequently I decided I wanted to peek on your blog for a few minutes, and let me tell you something Dr. Sennett, you are anything but old. Heck, you are more lively then me and I'm 18. Keep doing what you're doing, sir. Comments are closed.
AuthorHerb is a public speaking coach, retired college professor, author, and retired Army Reserve chaplain living in South Florida with his wife of more than 50 years. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Copyright © 2024, Herbert Sennett. You're welcome to post this article on your website or blog provided the content, including the author’s name, is not altered in any way, and that this copyright and licensing statement, complete with working links, appear with the article. Any other use is a violation of U.S. and International copyright law. For permission to use the article in other ways, please email me. Thanks. posts
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